Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Today is Wednesday

Today is Wednesday.

Today is Wednesday.

Today is Wednesday.

I've had to keep very close track on what the days are this week because, for the first time, I actually have something important going on that I'm desperately afraid of missing simply because the days all run together for me. In fact, when the person called me that lead to this important thing being scheduled and said "I have some times late this week," I was a bit confused simply because I wasn't sure what "this week" was, because I couldn't remember if we were at the beginning of a new week, or still in the later part of the previous week (turns out it was actually Monday).

So tomorrow (Thursday, Thursday, Thursday . . .), after nearly two years of being unemployed, I have my first job interview.

I am refusing to get my hopes up about this. I've applied to tons of places since moving back in January (okay, so I got distracted with unpacking and cleaning and didn't really start looking till March . . .) and this is, quite sadly, the first time I've even gotten called back. I've applied for retail positions, fast food positions, and of course my usual random clerical positions. Unfortunately, we picked pretty much the worst possible time to move, and with tons of people currently looking for jobs, it's just pretty sucky out there. Especially for someone with a useless degree; BA in Music (not teacher certified) doesn't exactly open a whole lot of doors.

So, we'll see how things go tomorrow. And of course, even if things go great tomorrow, there's still always the possibility that things go even greater for someone else. In the meantime . . .

Today is Wednesday.

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